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First Advisory Board Meeting

The first Advisory Board Meeting of our project took place on May 28th, 2024. Our experts Pierre Chevallier (France), Karsten Kjær (Denmark) and Tobias Feickert (Germany) were invited to join this important project meeting. The design and methodological input was provided by our partner Fachhochschule Dresden (FHD).

The first part of the meeting took place in Teemew, an application for virtual offices and interactive events, where the AI-based simulation will be available.

After a short project presentation by Manzalab, the first project results were shared. Our partner schools FHD and VUC presented the training scenario and the case study. Our results were then validated and evaluated by the experts. The scenario and the training approach were rated as very innovative and adaptable for other industries. The project team was also advised to consider other industries and scenarios for adaptability from the very beginning.

Inceptive then gave technical insights into the AI to be trained. Afterwards, ethical concerns and challenges in the AI training approach were also discussed with our Advisory Board.

A special highlight was added at the end of the Advisory Board Meeting - the demo session. In this part, our experts were able to slip into the role of the students themselves and complete the first training formats. This was followed by an evaluation of the functionality, usability and degree of innovation. This evaluation was very positive across the board.

Many thanks to our Advisory Board Members for the helpful ideas and advice for the further progress of the project. We are already looking forward to the next Advisory Board Meeting in January 2025 with new project results and input.

In the coming weeks and months, the project team will continue to train the AI, work on the user journey and start the first pilot phase in the autumn.

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